Solidifying and Positioning Your Solo Professional Practice

All too often, professionals which are laid-off or downsized by their firms will start their own private practice as solo professionals. This is quite common during recessions, and it is also common for laid-off employees to become consultants, coaches, or freelancers. There’s nothing wrong with being a free agent solo professional in your own practice, but it is much different than working for a larger firm, or corporation. One thing you must remember is that all the rules of business still apply even though you are a small company with only one employee (helper), or completely by yourself.

In other words, you still have to remember that your brand name is important, so is your reputation in the marketplace. If you are new to being a solo professional you will need to do a little bit of marketing to position yourself, and solidify long-term client relationships. This is no different from anything that a large Corporation does, but now you will be forced to do it on your own and chances are you won’t have huge numbers of clients walking through your door right away.

Even if you’ve done quite well in the past working for a corporation, or a large firm, you will soon find out that clients and customers are very loyal, and they may not be willing to switch and go with the services you are offering. Many times lawyers decide to go into a solo professional practice of their own, and then find out they don’t know a thing about how to run a business, how to market a business, or even how to do the accounting, or hiring; and what about the recruiting of new clients and customers.

Unfortunately, a new solo professional starting out in their own practice doesn’t have time to go back to MBA school and they need to learn quite a bit and very quickly. After all, if they don’t have income coming in, they will go out of business almost as soon as they start. What they are going to need is some online marketing classes, and some crash courses in branding, salesmanship, and learn how to develop new clientele. Please consider all this.

Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank. Lance Winslow believes those in business for themselves need the best cell phones money can buy at the lowest prices, thus, they must do a little shopping online; T-Mobile Phone []

Note: All of Lance Winslow’s articles are written by him, not by Automated Software, any Computer Program, or Artificially Intelligent Software. None of his articles are outsourced, PLR Content or written by ghost writers. Lance Winslow believes those who use these strategies lack integrity and mislead the reader. Indeed, those who use such cheati

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